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Greenwood Burial Ground

Tony Brown Funeral Services are the proud owners of The Greenwood Burial Ground, a seventy-seven acre site in the parish of Farnham, East Suffolk.

The Greenwood Burial Ground is a beautiful site with established deciduous native trees of Chestnut, Cherry, Oak and Ash, it will continue to develop under the careful management of Tony Brown Funeral Services and will endure as a fine example of broad-leaved sustainable woodland.

The site is home to many species of native flora and fauna and acts as a reserve for some of these endangered animals, a list of what you may see can be found here.

What does it provide?

A woodland burial ground provides a natural alternative to a traditional cemetery or churchyard with the burial ground being managed with the environment in mind.

The natural burial ground has the additional benefit of being non-denominational. All faiths are welcome and for those wishing for a non-religious ceremony we can recommend a the celebrants on our links page.

The use of biodegradable, non rainforest coffins, wicker, seagrass and other suitable coffins ensure the existing environment is protected.

We are passionate about making people’s funeral experience easier to bear, by offering guidance and support, we help families arrange a day that is tranquil and private.

Our natural burial ground gives people the freedom to do things their way and a more fitting funeral for their loved one.

For more information, please call and discuss your requirements, we are here to help.

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